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Support Babies with Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is a medical condition that stems from the abnormal fluid build-up in the ventricles/cavities deep…


Support Babies with Hydrocephalus


Hydrocephalus is a medical condition that stems from the abnormal fluid build-up in the ventricles/ cavities deep within the human brain.

This fluid widens the cavities, hence, putting pressure on the brain tissues.

The condition results from an imbalance between the amount of fluid known as the cerebrospinal fluid produced, and the amount of fluid required to be absorbed by the bloodstream.

Children can experience a full lifespan if this condition is detected and treated early.

It does not heal on its own. Usually, surgery is conducted to treat it. The symptoms increase with time if not treated early.

Delays may lead to seizures, Dementia, and uneven growth of intelligence during the child’s growth, with non-verbal intelligence developing less well than verbal intelligence.

Help us to attend to a case quickly to salvage such situations.

Your donation will treat a child quickly.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Support a Visually Impaired Child Today

Help us to identify and reach out to these lovely children and adults alike, in order…


Support a Visually Impaired Child Today


Many a time, the visually impaired in our communities are ignored and ill-treated. Help us to identify and reach out to these lovely children and adults alike, in order that they may find hope in life.

Your donation will make that difference.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Support a Struggling Widow/Widower

A lot of widows and widowers in our communities are struggling to make ends meet.


Support a Struggling Widow/Widower


A lot of widows and widowers in our communities are struggling to make ends meet. You can help us to support them. Every little donation counts.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Help a community with water

Many communities in our rural areas do not have access to tap water. They usually rely…


Help a community with water


Many communities in our rural areas do not have access to tap water. They usually rely on water bodies which are obviously untreated and so result in unhealthy conditions.

Help us to give such communities boreholes with treated water. Your support will go a long way to helping a community today.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

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