Who TOGna Is

TOGna is one word derived from the two words, TOGether Naturally (pronounced TO-NA). This word signifies the intentions of the team to liaise with you to support the next available needy person or family. This act of love is supposed to be a lifestyle in that, it seeks to recognize these needy people daily, as we go about our daily activities and support them in any little way we can.

TOGna says we want to do this with you, together, naturally, for together, we are stronger, and together, we can achieve more and contribute more to the kingdom of God. This is our foundation of Hope.

It is the dream of the TOGna team to keep supporting every needy person we come across as we help them build a solid foundation as well as integrate them fully into a better environment for their better future.

As we do this every day, it becomes essential to have some futuristic plans to house some unplanned uncertainties. These intentions may further help extend and expand the outreach in the near future.

These plans include acquiring land (for an orphanage), building a school, and also a vocational institute where these ones can train before going to the university.

The intention of acquiring land is to have a complete community for our charity cases in the future. With this, they can have access to basic education and family love for the cases that qualify for these.

Every Project of Charity is classified as an Active Case.

The TOGna Dream is big.

As the steps of a child, we are taking it one step at a time while we trust the process. For now, we have four basic Support Platforms.

The first is The Ameleybi Support. This is the general support platform where every support automatically goes. In this system, donors can make a general contribution in cash or kind. The active cases presented are monitored and managed by the required team and the support is distributed accordingly. The supporters of this platform are also updated periodically.

The second support system is known as The Fosuaba Support. This system deals with sponsoring a particular child. This means fostering a particular child from a distance. A sponsor can do this alone, which is termed Fosuaba full or opt for a shared plan, known as the Fosuaba shared. The shared plan could comprise two or more sponsors.

The third support system is concerned with supporting a family. It is known as The Abusuasem Support.

The category of families that fall under this includes those that are struggling to support their children and the home. Some interventions could be made to help improve the homes in such cases. These may include setting them up in some form of business where the source of the issue is related to this. The adults in the families may also be enrolled in some vocational training to acquire some skills and work to support themselves and their families.

The fourth support has to do with supporting TOGna with your Assets and Resources. These supports are mainly your contributions in kind. It is known as The TOGna Service Support System. This is done to assist the team in its charity endeavors. Besides all these platforms, the TOGna team has a shop where volunteers and supporters shop to donate. Every penny gained will be used to expand and improve the charity work that is done day by day.

Our Vision

To help and support the next available Child/ Family in our immediate neighborhood to gain access to the basic amenities of life, and a little more.

Because of this, we have put together plans to make this much easier in the future. These include acquiring land, building foster homes, a basic school, and also a skill acquisition center to equip everyone who needs to benefit from our charity plans.

Our Mission

To liaise with you (our donor) in supporting the next available needy child/family in our normal daily lifestyle.

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