Acquire land

TOGna has a Dream. TOGna is aspiring to get a land to host all of these…


Acquire land

TOGna has a Dream. TOGna is aspiring to get a land to host all of these beautiful Dreams. The size of the land required for this project is that which can house a community. The purpose of this consideration is to provide a serene neighbourhood for the unfortunate children from deprived homes. This land will in the future have homes, schools and recreational centres required for the complete development of the beneficiaries. Help us to make this foundation a reality. Your donation matters a lot to us.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Build Foster Homes

After the land acquisition, which is the short-term dream of TOGna, the next step will be…


Build Foster Homes

After the land acquisition, which is the short-term dream of TOGna, the next step will be to build some homes to foster the victims of unfortunate livelihoods around us. While we are seeking funds to secure a land, we are also trying to get some foundation for this vision. Help us to do this with your generous support. Every donation is much appreciated. The frequency of your donation will determine when this dream can be fulfilled.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Build Basic and Secondary Schools

With basic and high schools, the beneficiaries can have access to good education amidst peace in…


Build Basic and Secondary Schools

This is a step that can help us educate the children we foster in our homes and afar. With basic and high schools, the beneficiaries can have access to good education amidst peace in the community. Your support can make this come true. No amount is too small. The frequency of your donation will determine when this dream can be fulfilled.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Build a Skills Acquisition Centre

A skills acquisition center has been considered so as to help them get some knowledge to…


Build a Skills Acquisition Centre

In order that we do not leave the children confused after school. A skills acquisition center has been considered so as to help them get some knowledge to fend for themselves in life. This stage will be required by every child before they enter university. Help us help the helpless today. The frequency of your donation will determine when this dream can be fulfilled.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

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