Who We Are

TOGna is an abbreviation of the two words TOGether NAturally (pronounced TO-NA). This emphasizes the unity we strive with you (our donor) to help others out of love, while we go about our normal daily activities. We look to liaising with you to help and support the needy and less privileged in our immediate neighbourhoods with any form of donation, whether in cash or kind. It is our desire to build a lifestyle of giving and the expression of love in this manner, and with you in a much more comfortable way.


You can help lots of people by donating little. See our causes.

The Ameleybi Support

Charity donations that go through this support platform takes care of all children that fall under…


The Ameleybi Support

The General support platform with a monthly donation of any amount. Charity donations that go through this support platform takes care of all children that fall under this form of support.

It is the automatic platform for all charity intentions until the Active cases are specified for the others. This support system can also be in kind just like all the other support systems. Unused clothes and items are welcome.

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Donation Total: ₵ 5.00

The Fosuaba Support

In this way, the sponsor will take responsibility for their well-being while they stay in their…


The Fosuaba Support

To support a particular Child/ Family with cash and or kind. In this way, the sponsor will take responsibility for their well-being while they stay in their original homes or with a caretaker. This support can be shared with two or more people as well.

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Donation Total: ₵ 5.00

The Abusuasem Support

This involves supporting a General/ Specific family with Cash and or Kind monthly with any amount…


The Abusuasem Support

This involves supporting a General/ Specific family with Cash and or Kind monthly with any amount at all.

Here, the source of the family’s challenges is investigated and help is channeled through that area. For example, those with employment issues can be supported with some seed money to start a business and then monitored to keep them on track and enable them to supply for their families.

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Donation Total: ₵ 5.00

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Kindly help us to support special cases.

Support Babies with Hydrocephalus


Hydrocephalus is a medical condition that stems from the abnormal fluid build-up in the ventricles/ cavities deep within the human brain.

This fluid widens the cavities, hence, putting pressure on the brain tissues.

The condition results from an imbalance between the amount of fluid known as the cerebrospinal fluid produced, and the amount of fluid required to be absorbed by the bloodstream.

Children can experience a full lifespan if this condition is detected and treated early.

It does not heal on its own. Usually, surgery is conducted to treat it. The symptoms increase with time if not treated early.

Delays may lead to seizures, Dementia, and uneven growth of intelligence during the child’s growth, with non-verbal intelligence developing less well than verbal intelligence.

Help us to attend to a case quickly to salvage such situations.

Your donation will treat a child quickly.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Support a Visually Impaired Child Today


Many a time, the visually impaired in our communities are ignored and ill-treated. Help us to identify and reach out to these lovely children and adults alike, in order that they may find hope in life.

Your donation will make that difference.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00

Support a Struggling Widow/Widower


A lot of widows and widowers in our communities are struggling to make ends meet. You can help us to support them. Every little donation counts.

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Donation Total: ₵ 100.00